Relationship Review
Relationship Review
Our Story
How it Works
Feel like your relationship would benefit from a review?
Simply pick the pack you’re interested in and we’ll post the complete pack to your address, including everything you need to know and our Welcome guide.
The pack folds-out to take you through your RR process, and we recommend you use it out and about. We recommend how to complete each step of the review. Its specifically designed to be completed together, and offline. but if you’re keen to find more ideas and guidance, your Pen-Pal logins will allow you access to examples, academic research and helpful links for nearly every situation.
The Store
Just starting out with a new partner?
For new & established couples looking to grow
Planning a Wedding? Try our Review for those next big steps
Early Dates Review
Coming Soon . . .
Want to establish a connection using more than just emojis?
New dates always contain a little awkwardness, (we think that’s part of the fun) but there’s nothing wrong with wanting to find out a little more important information . . .
Try our Early Dates Review, packed with the same thoughtful approach as our main Relationship Review, but adapted for first dates. Free-up your evening, reduce the tension, embrace the awkwardness & really learn something new. . .
The Relationship Review
Coming Sooner. . .
It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been
together, or how good the good times are,
sometimes, we all need a reminder of what we need, & what we’re aiming for . . .
Communication is key, but its not always easy to know how or when to start, that’s where we come in.
Our Relationship Review provides you with everything you need to sit down, identify what your relationship needs & what you want from it, making the most out of a little time together, away from digital distractions.
The Wedding Review
Coming Soon . . .
Your Wedding Planned ‘Review Style’
We proud to launch a real squabble-saver for one of the most special, & mos stressful, moments you’ll experience as a couple.
Who do we invite? How do we pick a venue? When should we book? Which wine will go with the main?
We’re exhausted just typing this. . . if you might be too, try our Wedding Review to get you through...